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The Legion of Mary

A lay apostolate, with a Marian Devotion, in service for the Church.

About: The Legion of Mary is an international organization of lay Catholics that was started in Dublin, Ireland by Frank Duff in 1921. The Pontifical Council for the Laity lists the Legion of Mary in its “Directory of International Associations of the Faithful.” The Legion’s presence is seen in about 170 countries world wide. The smallest unit of the Legion of Mary is the praesidium. By definition, praesidium is a group of 3 to 20 members based at the Parish level. Within the 126 Parishes of the Diocese of Hamilton, there are 23 praesidia. Regina Mundi Parish has had a praesidium of the Legion of Mary for more than forty years.

The purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give volunteer service to the Church. At the Parish level, all work undertaken by the Legion’s members is at the direction and discretion of the Pastor.

Who Can Join? To become a member of the Legion of Mary, you must be a baptized Catholic. The Legion’s spirituality is based on the teachings of St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort and found in his book “True Devotion to Mary.” A total dedication to Christ through devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary and adoration of the Holy Spirit are cornerstones of the Legion of Mary.

Meeting Schedule: Thursday Evenings in the Parish Music Room

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the Parish Office or Sandra Serafini at (905) 317-7762

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