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Children's Liturgy

Children are able to grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ by hearing the Word of God.

About: In the Sunday Services, the members of the Children’s Liturgy affirm and support those who desire to share the Word of God with children, of whom Jesus said, “The kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14). The overall primary importance of this ministry is to enable the entire worshipping assembly to participate fully in celebration. Thus, the church is concerned with the availability and understanding of the scriptures for children, who, as members of God’s family, have their rightful place in the church. Through modelling, the children are prepared for full participation, thereby, becoming part of the church now.

Mission Statement for Children’s Liturgy Ministry:
The goal of the Children’s Liturgy sessions is to instill in the children a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. The children are given the opportunity to have relevant experience of God through celebration and gathering to hear the Word of God.

Our trained team leads the children in their own liturgy, with age appropriate readings and teachings geared to the liturgical season. The Liturgies of the Word are sufficiently adapted. All those who minister to children in a formal capacity, as well as parents who long to share their faith with their own children are aware of the necessity for such adaptation. Selection and adaptation of the readings have been guided by four principles:
- Retain the Sunday Readings of the Liturgical Year
- Remain Faithful to the Meaning of the Text
- Use a Language that is Understood by Children
- Use a Language which is Inclusive of all God’s People

As well, each year those who participate are invited to take part in our annual Children’s Christmas Pageant which takes place at the 5 p.m. mass on Christmas Eve.

Who Can Join?
Children: Your children are welcome to join the group at any time.
Volunteers are asked to adhere to the following policies and procedures, based on Diocesean guidelines and direction from the Pastor:
- Screening in Faith (Diocesan Policy)
- Confidentiality Policy (Regina Mundi Parish Policy)
- Guidance Policy
- Position Descriptions
- Format for Liturgy Session with Children
- On-Going Volunteer Support
- “Volunteer Feedback”

Meeting Schedule
Each Sunday morning at our 9 a.m. mass, we offer the opportunity for your child to participate in our Children’s Liturgy Program.
The program runs from September until June each year.
The children are dismissed at the beginning of mass and return to the church during the offertory procession.

If you are interested in getting involved, please call the Parish Office or speak to one of the leaders on Sunday morning.

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