Book Club
A place to discuss literature, and foster rich discussion and even richer friendships.
Every spring, the members of the Book Club come together to discuss and choose their Club’s book titles for the coming year’s discussions.
The Club meets on the last Wednesday of the month (with the exception of July, August and December).
Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. either at Regina Mundi Church’s second floor conference room or in one of the Book Club member’s homes. Discussions are always rich and friendships made even richer. Please be assured that the Book Club is something you can drop into at any point in time since no formality is required. And, always feel welcome to join in on a Book Club meeting even if you haven’t read this month’s book selection just to enjoy the conversation and sense of community.
If you need any further details on where the next Book Club meeting will be held or to find out what this season’s books are, please call Kay at (905)385-9389.