CWL Elections 2023 Newsletter
Become a Catholic Women’s League Member
It is not too late to send in your Catholic Women’s League membership. We need your support to continue the works of the CWL.
Since 1920 the Catholic Women’s League has worked tirelessly to support our parishes and our communities. Over these 100 years the Catholic Women’s League has raised millions of dollars throughout Canada to support many local and international charities. They have also met annually with federal government ministers to give a voice to important issues that have been brought forth through resolutions. The work is ongoing and with your membership it will continue for many years to come.
If you have Sunday Offering envelopes, just fill in the front of the envelope and with cash or a cheque of $45.00 drop it in the Sunday collection. You can also use an ordinary envelope with your information and payment which can also be put in the collection. You can also send your payment through the mail to Dolores Morrallee 219 Lavender Drive, Ancaster, ON, L9K 1C4 for processing. Please make cheques payable to Regina Mundi Catholic Women’s League.
Become a Catholic Women’s League Executive Member
We are asking our members to become part of our executive team who take the lead in supporting many charities, education, our parish and many other integral aspects of the League. This is a very rewarding part of being a member of the Catholic Women’s League. There have been many ladies who have taken that further step to be part of this team over the 62 years we have been at Regina Mundi Parish. There have been many mentors over these years that have helped keep the CWL active to do all these important works. We need more ladies to take this active roll and join the executive of the League. Further in this newsletter you will see the offices that are available on the executive for election. Look them over and see if one of the positions interests you as a member. We need to keep this organization active and to carry on to do the many works that our past executive members have continued over the years. Please consider being part of the Regina Mundi Catholic Women’s League executive and put your name down for election.
There will be a ballot available in September for nomination. You will be able to fill in the information by the second week of October and deposit them in the box on the table in the Narthex in an envelope with “Elections CWL” on it. Calls will be made to the ladies that have been nominated to ask for them to stand for office. The General Members meeting on October 3rd will be all about the upcoming elections. This will be an opportunity to ask questions about the positions and to get the answers needed to make your decision. The General Members Meeting on November 7th will be the elections. This is an important time for as many members to attend as possible. The Executive Officers will be elected that night and will be installed on January 21st 2024.
Thank you
From Father Adam
Over the last six years here at Regina Mundi, I have been incredibly impressed by the excellent work that our Catholic Women's League does for our parish and for our community, whether it be the sock drive or the cider and spice bake sale, the massive fall garage sale or the Christmas silent auction, the Canadian Food for Children food drive orthe Catholic student awards. The Catholic Women's League carries out these and many other noble works with great competency, zeal, and Christian charity in their hearts. On behalf of the parish and our widercommunity, I wish to express my deep gratitude to all the members of the Catholic Women's League who witness to the love of God through ministry and service. Fr. Adam Voisin Pastor and Spiritual Advisor
CWL New Council Executive Structure and Accountabilities
Officers at parish level shall be:
*president *vice-president *secretary *treasurer *past president *chairpersons of standing committees (three)
The president, as the chief officer, shall:
(a) inform the membership of the position of the League on current issues and priorities and new programs
(b) foster open communication with the spiritual advisor on all League matters
(c) preside at all meetings and conventions of the council concerned
(d) be a signing officer for all official documents
(e) provide active leadership
(f) initiate policy, in consultation with the officers of the council concerned
(g) keep fully informed on the operation of the League and report annually to the membership
(h) be an advisory member of all committees except the nominations and elections committee
(i) be the official spokesperson for her council
(j) perform such other duties as may be incumbent upon her office
(k) appoint committees
The Vice-President shall:
(a) become president automatically after serving her elected term as vice-president
(b) perform the duties of the president in her absence or inability to serve
(c) recruit members and maintain membership
(d) develop League resource material
(e) ensure annual reports are completed
(f) oversee life membership
(g) be responsible for League development and leadership training
(h) perform such other duties as may be delegated to her by the president
The secretary shall:
(a) record the minutes of all meetings of the council concerned and retain them as a permanent record
(b) be a signing officer for all official documents
(c) have charge of all papers and records of the council concerned
(d) be responsible for reports as required
(e) attend to correspondence as required
(f) be responsible for communications to council members
The treasurer shall:
(a) maintain the financial records of the council concerned and have them appropriately audited or examined annually
(b) receive all League monies and pay all accounts as authorized
(c) be a signing officer for all official documents
(d) present a report of revenues and expenditures at meetings
(e) prepare and monitor annual budget
Chairpersons of faith shall evangelize, promote spiritual growth, and encourage all levels to
(a) pray, individually and communally
(b) uphold the sanctity of life
(c) study Catholic teachings
(d) stress the importance of the role of women in the church
(e) foster vocations
(f) advance ecumenical and interfaith endeavours
Chairpersons of service shall encourage all levels to
(a) promote activities in service to members, the parish and the community
(b) advocate for and support services that include but are not limited to homelessness, human trafficking, poverty, bullying and racism
(c) educate members about charitable needs, especially mission assistance at home and abroad
Social Justice
Chairpersons of social justice, guided by Catholic social teaching, shall encourage all levels to
(a) uphold the life and dignity of the human person
(b) advocate for the poor and the vulnerable and their inclusion in society
(c) advocate for the dignity of work and the equal rights of workers
(d) care for God’s creation
(e) educate members and keep them informed of relevant social justice issues
(f) initiate resolutions on relevant issues