National March for Life - Thursday, May 11: Theme “Stand for Life” “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 Join 1,000's of Pro-Life people in the heart of Ottawa as together we March for Life. We are hosting a coach bus to take 56 supporters to attend. No charge, free-will donations. Registration is required by visiting our website: HamiltonRightToLife.org Whether you've been once, many times or never, this year can be impactful as we continue to defend the pre-born child in the womb. One person, like you, can make a difference. Together we can change minds and hearts to choose Life!
“Looking to go to March for Life this year? Hamilton Right to life has you covered! This is a one day event being held on Thursday, May 11th and asks as a reminder to our government that we believe all life is sacred and should be protected. Please RESERVE YOUR SPOT ON OUR BUS TO OTTAWA by going to our website at: 2023 National March For Life (hamiltonrighttolife.org), or by calling 905-528-3065. Together we can send a message that life matters!