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  • Regina Mundi

Hello Again

Hi there. It’s been a long time hasn’t? The last time I wrote anything for this particular column for the bulletin was when Father Metcalf was the Pastor of Regina Mundi. And, that’s a long time ago. Did I give up wordsmithing since then? No, not really. I have been writing content for the Parish website. Just the written content. We had Sylvia, Dejan and recently Robyn to help with the artistic, technical and posting side of the website.

Times have changed recently. Haven’t they? Our everyday lives have been dramatically turned upside down by the Coronavirus. The way we come together as a community of faith has been totally changed as well. Everything that happened at the Church has been cancelled. How many things that had to be cancelled really became very apparent the first two weeks of the Lockdown. Not only was I putting up messages on the Church sign’s message board about the Liturgy cancellations, I contacting AA, OA, the Guardians of the Blessed Sacrament leaders, Parish Hall renters... The list seemed completely endless at times. The strangest part the Lockdown for me came when all of the Triduum Liturgies and Services were cancelled. It felt totally eery on Holy Saturday morning putting up the Easter banners on the Sanctuary knowing that a very few parishioners, if any, would ever see the banners in person this Easter season. Updating the Church sign’s message board to say “He is Risen” on Holy Saturday felt like posting a new challenge to death. A challenge to a deadly virus.

There is a certain quietness at this old Church now. The constant hum of a busy humanity no longer penetrates the walls. Is everything really cancelled at the Church? Not really. God’s love is not cancelled. It never has been. You just have to look for the signs. You just have to be open to those signs that are everywhere. You will see them if you open your soul through eyes of faith.

So. What have I been up to since the Lockdown began? Well, I have been...

Stay safe. Stay well. Stay connected. And, until next time, this is Michael Pollard for This old Church of Ours.


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